Saturday, October 8, 2011

Micswell Cafe 8-In-1 Coffee

Micswell Cafe 8-In-1 Coffee
Micswell brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew with no caffeine reaction. Micswell tastes mildly sweet from dates and figs, but only has 15 calories per cup! Agaricus Blazel Murill contains compounds that are very powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor agents. These compounds are also very effective in boosting the human immune system. Spirulina is being called the “wonder” or “Miracle Food” and it’s the most complete food. It contains complete vegetable proteins and the source of all vitamins, minerals, trace elements, cell salts and chlorophyll that our body and brain needs for complete nutrition. Moringa is the ulitmate organic natural energy booster than most fortified health supplement. It has 7 times the Vitamin C or oranges, 4 times the protein in milk and 3 times the potassium in bananas.
Ø  Anti-Cancer
Ø  Anti-Aging
Ø  Boost Immunity System
Ø  Natural Aphrodisiac (food or other substance that creates sexual desire.)

SRP: P 165.00/box(10 sachets); P 16.50/sachets


Benefits of Spirulina:
·         Spirulina builds immunity
·         Spirulina maintains a healthy heart
·         Spirulina promotes healthy skin
·         Spirulina supports normal haemoglobin level in blood
·         Spirulina helps fight daily fatigue and stress
·         Spirulina keeps you active and energetic
·         Spirulina promotes normal blood pressure levels and water balance
·         Spirulina supports normal blood glucose levels

Benefits of Spirulina for children and young adults :
·         Spirulina is the richest source of protein and provides 18 out of 22 amino acids that the body needs for normal growth and development.
·         Spirulina through its range of B- Vitamins strengthens the immune system and builds resistance against diseases. The natural beta carotene (pro Vitamin A) in
·         Spirulina helps maintain normal and healthy eyesight.
·         Spirulina provides iron in a form that is easily absorbed. It helps maintain an optimum level of haemoglobin in the blood.

Benefits of Spirulina for adults

·         Spirulina is the best natural source for antioxidants like carotenoids, vitamin E, zinc and selenium, that help fight against free radicals, and also slow down the ageing process.
·         Spirulina being the richest vegetarian source of vitamin B-12 helps reduce physical and mental stress.
·         Benefits of Spirulina for Seniors
·         GLA in Spirulina promotes normal cholesterol levels, keeps the heart healthy and reduces age related effects. It also balances the various hormonal functions to improve energy utilization and all-round health.
Medical conditions supported by Spirulina

Convalescing people with a disease or deficiency who, need additional nutritional supplementation, to support early recovery or to build lost immunity.
Directions for taking Spirulina

Two capsules a day, you may take both the capsules together along with water or fruit juice, preferably at breakfast Noticeable differences can be experienced within 2 to 3 weeks.